Give Now
Your gift – no matter how large or small – is making a difference in the lives of our Winston students.
Winston took my bright child with a broken spirit and transformed her
into a student with a bright future who breaks down barriers.
~ Winston Parent
Corporate Matching Gifts
Since many companies offer matching gift programs, we encourage you to check and see if your employer has a program which will match your donation made to The Winston School. A corporate match may allow you to double – or even triple – the impact of your gift and the donor is recognized for the entire amount! A matching gift may be requested for a donation made to the Annual Fund, as well as donations made to capital campaigns.
Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Making a gift in memory or in honor of a family member, mentor, colleague, or friend is a thoughtful way to remember someone special. Gifts made through any of the methods described above can be designated in honor or memory of a loved one or in celebration of a milestone event, such as a birthday, anniversary, or graduation.